Pfaff Knit-Edge Foot

This video shows an example on how to use the Pfaff Knit-Edge Foot. When your ready select another video tutorial, demo or how-to sewing machine feet and accessories video from the list below.

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Video description:
A great sewing foot to help sew sweater knits and Imitation fur.

Select overlock stitch pattern appropriate for fabric.

Right sides together, place under foot up to guide under right side of foot. Stitch.

For additional strength and to prevent stretching, sew over cord or ribbon pulled slightly taut into seam. For perfect seam on bias pieces, add yarn with slight tension and overlock at the same time.

CAUTION: Stitch width NOT to exceed 6mm.

Stitch: Overcast stitch

Stitch length: 2

Tension: 3 - 5

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