Roller Press Heavy Duty Cotton Cover 67cm Wide

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Roller cotton cover suitable for 67cm wide roller. Made with heavy duty cotton calico for durability.
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Expected Delivery Date is Thursday, February 27th

Cotton cover made to fit smaller 67cm wide roller presses.

This cotton cover is heavy duty, but as with most ironing covers, will need replacing from time to time. This cover is suitable for the Pfaff and MegaPress rotary irons that have the 67cm wide rollers.

During installation, make sure the cover does not become creased. The cover is over 1 metre in length and overlaps itself as it is wraps around the roller. It has a draw string tie at each end that needs to be knotted after installation.

We recommend replacing the under padding at the same time, it helps give the best ironing results.

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Manufacturer Pfaff
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