
Standard Gauge Needle 0-1x1 Pusher

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This is the needle pusher for all standard 4.5mm gauge knitting machines, you should always have a spare one in your crafting room
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Delivery: 3-4 Working Day(s) (Next day optional)
Expected Delivery Date is Thursday, February 20th

This needle pusher is the 1 x 1 needle spacing tool, plus it pushes all needles on the other edge. One of the most used tools while casting on.

Suitable for any brand of knitting machine, which has the standard 4.5mm needle bed gauge spacing.

Ideal for, SK840, SK210, SK280, SK320-SK322, SK323-SK329, SK350, SK550, SK560, SK700 AND SRP60N RIBBER among other models.

Genuine Silver Reed product.

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