
Doggies Kennel Sewing Box with Accessories by Hobby Gift

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Introducing this adorable Doggies Kennel Sewing Box with Accessories by Hobby Gift! This victorian-style sewing kit is covered in 100% cotton fabric in appliqué dog design that any dog lover will love! Item size: (d/w/h) 10 x 17.7 x 15.8cm
For same day dispatch, order within 10:48:33 hours.
Delivery: 3-4 Working Day(s) (Next day optional)
Expected Delivery Date is Tuesday, February 25th

Introducing this adorable Doggies Kennel Sewing Box with Accessories by Hobby Gift! This victorian-style sewing kit is  covered in 100% cotton fabric in appliqué dog design that any dog lover will love!  Item size: (d/w/h) 10 x 17.7 x 15.8cm 

Contains: seam ripper, scissors, 2 plastic headed pins, thimble and tape measure.

Spot clean only.

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