Beginners Overlocker Class

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Beginner's overlocker class starting Friday 10th May 2024 10:30am-12:30pm. This class will run for 2 weeks and will help you learn your way around the overlocker, whilst picking up useful hints and tips along the way

Come along and join our Beginners Overlocker Class!

Starting Friday 10th May for 2 weeks (Friday 10th May, Friday 17th May)

Cost: £50 to be paid in full to secure your place. Please note: Once booked this cost is NON TRANSFERABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE. 

All materials (threads, fabric, etc) and tea/coffee are provided. Classes can be booked in store too.

Only 4 places available in each class so don't leave it too long to book in or you could miss your place!

Learn the basics of overlockers, threading up, different settings and create samples of each variation of stitches and their settings to remind you later!

Our aim is to build up your confidence with an overlocker and give little hints and tips to help you succeed when tackling the overlocking projects you have always wanted to do but not known where to start.

Please note: You will be taking part in the class using overlockers we provide, not your own overlocker.

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